API Reference

The Tenovos API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts JSON request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.

You can use the Tenovos API in non-production and production accounts. The base url differs between non-production and production accounts.

The Tenovos API Supports batch requests in all versions, however v2 has the most support for batching.


Tenovos REST API currently contains three versions, v1, v1.5, and v2.

Version 1.0-1.4 (v1)

  • Is the current version of the Tenovos API that production customers are using.
  • Currently in Maintenance mode. No additions will be made to v1 of the Tenovos API as of March 2024.
  • Scheduled for end of support July, 2025.

Version 1.5 (v1.5)

  • Provides a fast and easy upgrade path for v1 customers.
  • Currently in a limited Beta and undergoing testing.
  • Scheduled for inclusion in a broader Beta at the end of April, 2024.
  • Introduces OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code flow as an additional authentication option.
  • Provides some additional endpoints for Adaptive Templates customers, as well as alternative endpoints for getting assets and performing searches.
  • Eliminates high latency on initial requests
  • Improves overall performance on response latency

Version 2.x (v2)

Contains Breaking Changes

Contains breaking changes when migrating from v1 or v1.5.

  • Significant performance improvements.
  • Authentication supported with OAuth 2.0 or standard Tenovos Auth.
  • Much broader functional coverage.
  • Streamlined Response payloads resulting in much lighter Responses that are easier to implement.
  • Standardization across all data types.
  • 100% standardization of Response Codes and error message handling.
  • Support for long running jobs.
  • Webhook subscription management support.
  • More detailed OpenAPI specification.

Version 1 API Reference Documentation

Version 1 - Latest Stable Version

Version 1.5 API Reference Documentation

Version 1.5 - Beta Release/Private Preview

Version 2 API Reference Documentation

Version 2 - In Development Version 2 of the Tenovos API is currently in development and expected for early customer access in June 2024.