Webhook Event Types

Tenovos provides webhooks specific to the following topics and events. The majority of topics provide created, updated, and deleted events, and additional events are provided for some topics, when relevant, such as shared, downloaded, and promoted.

When creating a webhook subscription to your endpoint, the full Event Type will be used, such as asset.downloaded, and this value will appear in the event payload of each call. For examples of the payloads Tenovos sends, please reference the Webhook Payloads API reference.

Available Topic Event Event Type Event Occurs When...
Yes Asset Created asset.created An assets metadata and content are fully created and available
Yes Asset Deleted asset.deleted An asset has been deleted/sent to the Recycle Bin
Yes Asset Downloaded asset.downloaded The download process for a single asset has started
Yes Asset Shared asset.shared An asset is shared internally or externally from Tenovos
Yes Asset Purged asset.purged An asset is permanently deleted from the Recycle Bin
Yes Asset Metadata Updated asset.metadata.updated Only the metadata of an asset is updated.
Yes Asset Renditions Created asset.renditions.created System renditions of the asset uploaded have completed and able to be viewed in Tenovos
Yes Asset Restored asset.restored An asset is restored from the administrative Recycle Bin
Yes Asset Security Updated asset.security.updated Only the Security Templates applied to an asset are updated/changed
Yes User Created user.created A new user account is created
Yes User Updated user.updated A user account is updated
Yes Collection Created collection.created A new Collection is created
Yes Collection Updated collection.updated A Collection is updated
Yes Collection Deleted collection.deleted A Collection is permanently deleted
Yes Collection Shared collection.shared A Collection is shared internally
Yes Collection Downloaded collection.downloaded The download process for a collection has started
Yes Collection Assets Updated collection.assets.updated A collection has assets added to and/or removed from it
No Metadata Template Created metadata.template.created A Metadata Template is created
No Metadata Template Updated metadata.template.updated A Metadata template is updated
No Metadata Template Deleted metadata.template.deleted A Metadata template is deleted
Yes Relationship Created relationship.created A new Relationship, of any type, between assets is created
Yes Relationship Updated relationship.updated The Relationship type is updated/changed for an existing relationship between assets
Yes Relationship Deleted relationship.deleted A Relationship between assets is deleted/removed
No Request Created request.created A request has been created, such as an Upload or Download Request
No Request Updated request.updated A request has been updated, such as an Upload or Download Request
Yes Rights Management Project Created rm.project.created A new RM project is created
Yes Rights Management Project Updated rm.project.updated The metadata of an RM project is updated
Yes Rights Management Project Deleted rm.project.deleted A RM Project is deleted
Yes Rights Management Agreement Created rm.agreement.created A new RM Agreement is created
Yes Rights Management Agreement Updated rm.agreement.updated The metadata of a RM Agreement is updated
Yes Rights Management Agreement Deleted rm.agreement.deleted A RM Agreement is deleted
No Rights Management Agreement Expired rm.agreement.expired The rights expiration date of an Agreement is reached
Yes Rights Management Entity Created rm.entity.created A new RM entity is created
Yes Rights Management Entity Updated rm.entity.updated The metadata of a RM Entity is updated
Yes Rights Management Entity Deleted rm.entity.deleted A RM Entity is deleted
Yes Security Group Created security.group.created A new Security Group is created
Yes Security Group Updated security.group.updated A Security Group has been updated
Yes Security Group Deleted security.group.deleted A Security Group has been deleted
Yes Security Role Created security.role.created A new Security Role is created
Yes Security Role Updated security.role.updated A Security Role is updated, i.e., Privileges changed
Yes Security Role Deleted security.role.deleted A Security Role is deleted
No Security Template Created security.template.created A Security Template is created
No Security Template Updated security.template.updated A Security Template is updated
No Security Template Deleted security.template.deleted A Security Template is deleted
Yes Story Board Created storyboard.created A new Story Board is created, whether enabled or disabled
Yes Story Board Updated storyboard.updated Metadata changes or when new assets/collections/searches are added
Yes Story Board Deleted storyboard.deleted A Storyboard is deleted
Yes Story Board Shared storyboard.shared A Storyboard is shared internally or externally
Yes Version Created version.created An asset is versioned with new content