Frequently Asked Questions

How do I obtain my API Key and connection information?

The Tenovos API is available to all customers with an active subscription. If you need your API key and connection information in order to get started building integrations, please contact the Tenovos Customer Support Team by submitting a Question ticket via the Tenovos Support Portal.

I have a feature request to extend or change the Tenovos API. Where should I request it?

Check out our Ideas portal. You can request new API capabilities or changes to the existing API directly to our Product Team.

Where should I ask a question about a particular API?

If your issue isn't listed here or you want further clarification, there is a Community Forum available on the Tenovos Support Portal where you can get input from the Tenovos Support Team as well as other customers who are using the API. If you need immediate assistance, you can always ask your question via a support ticket.

What is JSON?

JSON refers to JavaScript Object Notation

JSON is a lightweight data interchange format whose simplicity has resulted in widespread use among web developers. It is easy to read and write; you can parse it using any programming language, and its structures map directly to data structures used in most programming languages.

Why does Tenovos use REST?

REST is simple, lightweight, scalable, and maps very well to representing and exposing data.

Do you have any tips or short sample code for common use cases?

You should check out our Training Exercises which cover step-by-step instructions for using the Tenovos REST API for common DAM integration use cases, to include code examples for:

What is the expected speed increase of v2 over v1.

On average, across all endpoints, the expected performance improvement of v2 is 600%+.