Create a collection and add assets to it. Assets in the collection are identified by FileID therefore collectionDocument contains File ID
The user should have View permission on assets to be added to the collection.
Average Response Time: 200ms (Private Collection)
Average Response Time: 2568ms (Shared Collection)
The Request Body must be a JSON object.
Successful operation
Unauthorized. Missing Authorization or AccessToken or Access Token expired
{- "collectionType": "secured",
- "name": "Best of the month",
- "collectionDocument": [
- "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
], - "metadataTemplateId": "ea6eb24d-adef-4380-bd02-f64f567c437f",
- "securityTemplateIds": [
- "7d6f4e30-f423-11e9-8071-89c0c4052156"
], - "MetadataDocument": [
- {
- "metadataDefinitionId": "dfeb57c1-b149-4b15-920f-3f40ff0b959a",
- "metadataDefinitionValue": "Photo"
{- "statusCode": "success",
- "message": "Collection successfully created",
- "collectionId": "4b5896b4-33e4-41ac-b251-39a4dbaa25b1"