Create a bidirectional relationship between a primary Asset and one or more secondary Assets. Asset relationships allow a user to quickly navigate from one Asset to another related Asset.
The user attempting to create a relationship using Asset must be granted the Relationship Security Template permission on the Asset.
Average Response Time: 3922ms
The Request Body is a JSON object that provides information about relationships to create.
Array of objects (RelationshipCreateRequest_secondaryIds) |
The response is an array that contains a status(success/failed) for each relationship.
Invalid Asset Object ID or secondaryIds
Unauthorized. Missing Authorization or AccessToken or expired token
Forbidden. Missing X-API-key
{- "secondaryIds": [
- {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "linkType": "child"
[- [
- {
- "status": "success",
- "message": "Relationship created successfully",
- "relationshipId": "f81769d1-8e93-4af7-856e-56ea30ec1038-73b49f17-4c1a-4c05-bb31-5ab2364e25fe"