Use this endpoint to create a new user account in the system. You must have User Management role privilege and Security Template Management role privilege in order to create a user and assign groups. This endpoint can be used to create local or federated users.
Average Response Time: 5140ms
The Request Body must be a JSON object
The Response Body is a JSON object.
Unauthorized. Missing Authorization or AccessToken or Access Token expired
Forbidden. Missing X-API-key
{- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Wick",
- "friendlyName": "john.wick",
- "email": "",
- "username": "john.wick",
- "password": "sdhg&uuUz78u",
- "accountType": "local",
- "customAttributes": {
- "country": "USA",
- "company": "Tenovos",
- "phone": "",
- "contact": ""
}, - "userRoleId": "1401df5e-3f13-4c88-a5a8-de64f6227a03",
- "groups": [
- "7d6207c0-f423-11e9-8071-89c0c4052141"
{- "roleId": "7d5620e0-f423-11e9-8071-89c0c4052141",
- "status": "success"