Retrieve a single Collection specified by Collection ID. The retrieved Collection may be either a secured Collection or a private Collection created by the User. The Collection will include the list of Assets assigned to the Collection, referenced by Asset File ID.
The User retrieving the Collection must have the Collection Security Role Privilege.
Average Response Time: 53ms
The Response Body is a JSON object describing the collection.
Unauthorized. Missing Authorization or AccessToken or Access Token expired
response contains detailed error message.
{- "expirationDate": 1613755131855,
- "lastUpdatedEpoch": 1613755131855,
- "shareMessage": "",
- "recipients": [
- "string"
], - "downloadId": "NULL",
- "shared": "N",
- "name": "Best of the month",
- "shareDocument": [
- "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
], - "sender": { },
- "createdEpoch": 1613755131855,
- "userCognitoId": "7d675ef0-f423-11e9-8071-89c0c4052141",
- "collectionType": "secured",
- "collectionId": "4dc328ce-4b3f-4f76-b7bb-1e83ad35458a",
- "collectionDocument": [
- "0176c8e6-1017-4308-be3b-2de3931cbb37"
], - "customerId": "1235644566523"