"Retrieve the metadata template and its attributes list by template ID \n\nThe user submitting the request to metadata template must have the Metadata Template Management security role privilege.\n\nIn response, it will contain the metadata groups template have and each group metadata attributes list."
Average Response Time: 1406ms
The Response Body will be a JSON object representing the metadata template.
Wrong Template ID
Unauthorized. Missing Authorization or AccessToken or Access Token expired
Forbidden. Missing X-API-key
{- "template": {
- "metadataGroups": [
- {
- "groupOrder": 0,
- "metadataGroupName": "string",
- "metadataGroupSearchField": "string",
- "metadataAttributes": [
- {
- "isMultipleSelect": false,
- "visible": true,
- "searchField": "file_size",
- "dateFormat": "MM/dd/yyyy",
- "fieldOrder": 0,
- "length": 10,
- "type": "controlledVocabulary",
- "required": false,
- "controlledVocabularyId": "efa68bb7-5504-43a6-8956-666d4e811225",
- "readonly": false,
- "name": "File Size",
- "facetable": true,
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "isRestricted": false
], - "templateId": "196100ac-4eec-4fb6-a7f7-86c8b584771d",
- "templateName": "string",
- "createdEpoch": 1234567890123,
- "lastUpdatedEpoch": 1234567890123,
- "templateType": [
- "default"