To Retrieve the Assets list there is two types of searches available,
Simple Keyword Search: Requesting user can get list of Assets against search terms/keywords list. For example ["keyword1", "keyword2"]
Facet Search: Requesting user can get list of Assets against Facet value list. For example ["Facet: facet_value"]
Targeted Search: Requesting user can target keyword searches against Filename, Asset ID, Metadata, or Content (extracted text from documents) by passing the optional property of keywordSearchField.
Requesting user can apply the combination of both searches and if there is no keyword/facet in requesting body it will apply wildcard search.
By default AND operation will be applied with search terms and/or facets.
By default, up to 50 Assets will return from the search.You can also set search offset by setting the from property. For example, for the first page, set from to zero. After that set from to 50, 100, 150, etc.
Average Response Time: 4185ms
The Request Body must be a JSON object
The Response Body will be a JSON object
Bad Request
Unauthorized. Missing Authorization or AccessToken or Access Token expired
Failed operation
{- "from": 0,
- "searchTerm": [
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