Create a subscription based on the topic and event type in order to be notified at your target URL when events about that topic occur.
description | string [ 5 .. 100 ] characters You must provide a description for the subscription. |
eventTypes | Array of arrays One of the available event types listed |
url | string <url> A webhook target is usually an open and public url that listens for webhook notification messages. Tenovos signs every webhook message to ensure the security and authenticity of all webhooks being sent. In addition, Tenovos supports HTTP Basic Authentication and using an authentication token in headers. Choose one of these authentication methods as part of your target payload. |
rateLimit | integer |
Successful Request. Webhook Subscriptions Created Successfully.
One or more required parameters are missing or invalid.
Authentication failed (unauthorized).
Forbidden. You do not have permissions to perform this action, or your connection information is not correct.
The server is too busy to handle the request.
{- "description": "Notify System X for All Assets Created",
- "eventTypes": [
- "asset.created",
- "asset.updated",
- "asset.downloaded",
- "asset.deleted"
], - "rateLimit": 200
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"